Balance, Posture and Stamina!
These things are what are worked on in Yoga right?
I have to say that the last week has been insane. Balancing life, a sponsored wedding, wedding 'to-do's', and pushing myself in a 30 day Yoga challenge... is just that... a challenge!
I believe that I have not done this challenge as much justice as I could have. If you are reading and believing that this would be one of those 'huge success stories', I will warn you now... this is not a 'drop 30lbs by drinking lemon water, and you can too!' sort of deal. This challenge is to see my fit my wedding dress. That is how it began, and 2 weeks into it, I feel lost.
I guess this was part of the challenge. To push myself. I really hope that at least that, as well as fitting my wedding dress, are the things that I take away from this.
All of that confession was to say that I have not given my head to this challenge, and although it would be incredibly easy to do so, I have found it very hard. My nutrition is good. I eat roughly like this:
::Rough Daily Nutrition Plan::
Breakfast: Bowl of Cheerios with fruit of granola with Kefir and raspberries and juice or coffee (spot of cream)
Lunch: Protein Shake with mixed berries, spinach, flax seed, protein powder, kefir and milk.
Dinner: A meat (for protein), steamed veggies and salad.
But this week has been so difficult to get to classes. Admittedly, I had a minor (doctor conducted) procedure, which left me feeling a little off; yet most of the reasoning behind why I didn't make it to my classes this week has to do with the reality of getting furnishings for our apartment. It has taken us a long time and a lot of planning to work out the 'what, where, when, how, who and why' of moving my fiancé Kyle, into our apartment this weekend. And since he works full-time and part-time, the majority of our apartment set-up, has been left on me.
However, I have to say, that this many days without a Yoga class from Gillian or Regan at Fluid Yoga has made me realize how much I need to be in those classes. Its not just an 'oh I want to this will be fun'. Its an, 'I feel healthier and more alive' type feeling... and that is something my body needs.
As its Sunday tomorrow, I will be doing my Sunday schedule for Yoga. One, half-hour, of controlled breathing. This will help me focus, find peace and hand my life back up to the Lord.
I have to say that this challenge, at this point in my life, is something amazing that has happened to me. To find myself in need of self-motivation, to which I had never needed before really... has been a great reward. I can hardly wait for Monday... and will be going as much as I can in the next week!
Watch out Fluid... Here I Come!!!!!