Sunday, June 27, 2010

Balance, Posture and Stamina!

Balance, Posture and Stamina!

These things are what are worked on in Yoga right?

I have to say that the last week has been insane. Balancing life, a sponsored wedding, wedding 'to-do's', and pushing myself in a 30 day Yoga challenge... is just that... a challenge!

I believe that I have not done this challenge as much justice as I could have. If you are reading and believing that this would be one of those 'huge success stories', I will warn you now... this is not a 'drop 30lbs by drinking lemon water, and you can too!' sort of deal. This challenge is to see my fit my wedding dress. That is how it began, and 2 weeks into it, I feel lost.

I guess this was part of the challenge. To push myself. I really hope that at least that, as well as fitting my wedding dress, are the things that I take away from this.

All of that confession was to say that I have not given my head to this challenge, and although it would be incredibly easy to do so, I have found it very hard. My nutrition is good. I eat roughly like this:

::Rough Daily Nutrition Plan::

Breakfast: Bowl of Cheerios with fruit of granola with Kefir and raspberries and juice or coffee (spot of cream)
Lunch: Protein Shake with mixed berries, spinach, flax seed, protein powder, kefir and milk.
Dinner: A meat (for protein), steamed veggies and salad.

But this week has been so difficult to get to classes. Admittedly, I had a minor (doctor conducted) procedure, which left me feeling a little off; yet most of the reasoning behind why I didn't make it to my classes this week has to do with the reality of getting furnishings for our apartment. It has taken us a long time and a lot of planning to work out the 'what, where, when, how, who and why' of moving my fiancé Kyle, into our apartment this weekend. And since he works full-time and part-time, the majority of our apartment set-up, has been left on me.

However, I have to say, that this many days without a Yoga class from Gillian or Regan at Fluid Yoga has made me realize how much I need to be in those classes. Its not just an 'oh I want to this will be fun'. Its an, 'I feel healthier and more alive' type feeling... and that is something my body needs.

As its Sunday tomorrow, I will be doing my Sunday schedule for Yoga. One, half-hour, of controlled breathing. This will help me focus, find peace and hand my life back up to the Lord.

I have to say that this challenge, at this point in my life, is something amazing that has happened to me. To find myself in need of self-motivation, to which I had never needed before really... has been a great reward. I can hardly wait for Monday... and will be going as much as I can in the next week!

Watch out Fluid... Here I Come!!!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week One - How it all began and what its like...

From the beginning of this challenge, I have meant to be blogging about the entire thing. Its probably not the best timing to be blogging on it a week after it has started, but assuredly you should know that it has been a true delight and honour to have been accepted to take this challenge.

Fluid Yoga recently opened its doors in the contemporary and growing city of Steinbach Manitoba. Offering 4 different styles of hot yoga, at various times during the day and evening, they are truly growing at a rapid rate.

It was about a month ago that I first heard about and decided to 'try out' hot yoga. Many people have talked about it for years, and found that it really works for them. Having been a dancer previously, I had knowledge of movement and muscle memory and tone that is required for the proper extension in yoga.

After my first class... I was hooked. There is no other way to put it. Yoga was more fun and challenging that I had originally thought. I sweat through all my clothing, my two towels and drank my entire bottle of water... Blown away is the only thing I can use to describe how my first class was. And I was addicted. Your first week is unlimited, at a cost of only $20. I think that I went 5 of the 7 days that I could go, and I didn't even realize that I could stay for 2 classes in a row (note to you new comers, its well worth it to do 2 in a row!)

Now, you are probably wondering what the 'Fit the Dress' Challenge is... its this... I, Lynzie Causton am getting married in about 3 weeks. And about 4 weeks ago I realized that my dress didn't fit properly.


I began to change my diet a little, eating healthier and more nutritious foods. Not that I was a junkie before, but having recently moved from Australia where I controlled my own diet, to a place where other people make the food (ie. my fiance's parents); culture shock didn't seem to cross my mind when I bought my wedding dress.

Once my unlimited week of Yoga was finished, my fiance and I decided that since I loved it, and would promote it as much as I could, it would be a good idea to propose sponsorship to Fluid Yoga and see what they said.

Sponsorship for a wedding, you ask?? Check it out...Kyle and Lynzie's Wedding is our wedding. We have been in the newspaper, on the radio and will be on the television in the near future. We decided to have a sponsored wedding when we realized that we couldn't have a normal wedding if we didn't have funds. What we could do, was propose sponsorship in exchange for publicity and advertisement to any company that we would normally have to hire, or pay, for their service or product.

You can read more about the journey or about our companies, on our website or on our blog.... as it has been a journey, a job and a whole lot of fun!

When I proposed to Fluid Yoga, I didn't know what they would say or think. However, owner Victoria Plett, did not even hesitate. Her answer was yes!

One week later, we began to plan out the 'challenge'. 30 days of unlimited yoga classes, an eating plan and GO! The challenge began on Sunday June 13th, and has been going now for just over one week.

Initial thoughts... AMAZING, HARD, FUN and my ME time... Feel free to read this blog, as I will update it regarding the initial days and the days to come regarding the challenge. I will talk about food, each class, and more!

Thank you for following and taking the time to see if maybe you need a 'fit the dress' challenge of your own!